Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
User Preferences

Each user can tailor Elements to display information to suit their personal specifications in User Preferences. The display of the Loan Grid, field formats, settings, default Element, Quick Notes, signature block and signature image can all be configured on this page. Configurations set in User Preferences apply to the User ID, so the settings are enabled regardless of which workstation is being used.

From the Desktop toolbar, click the User icon and select User Preferences.

Changing User Preferences

On the User Preferences window, enter the following information.

Loan Grid Settings

In the Loan Grid Settings section, specify the columns and the order in which they are displayed in the Loan Grid on the workspace. Click to highlight a field in the Available box and use the arrow buttons to move it to the Visible box. Once in the Visible box, use the Move Top, Move Up, Move Down and Move Bottom buttons to change the order of the fields. The top field in the list is displayed in the first column in the Loan Grid. To move the fields back to their original order, click the Restore button.

In the Sort By drop-downs, select the field used to define the order in which loans appear in the Loan Grid and whether loans should display in Ascending or Descending order based on that field. For example, if Days Delinq is selected in the first drop-down and Ascending in the second drop-down, the loan with the smallest days delinquent is displayed first in the Loan Grid.

Field Formats

In the Field Formats section, use the following fields to define date and time formats.

Field Description
Date Format Select the preferred date format from the drop-down. This affects all data entry forms and any reports that the user prints.

This date format does not have an affect on the date format printed in the body of letters with the "Current Date" merge field. The setup for the date format for letters is performed by a system administrator in System Management > Collection > Default Settings.  

Time Format Select the preferred time format from the drop-down. This affects all data entry forms and any reports that the user prints.


In the Settings section, use the following fields to define call back and transaction information.

Field Description
Default call back ___ minutes Enter the number of minutes to add to the current date and time for a "call back" on a client. A call back is a client that the user has tried and failed to contact, perhaps due to a busy signal. Rather than entering a follow-up date and note, the user should try contacting the client again later. If the Next button is clicked on the workspace without entering a follow-up note on the client, the follow-up date is set to today and the call back time is set to the current time plus the number of minutes entered here.
Load transactions ___ days back

This setting does not apply to hosted (or ASP) instances of Elements.

Apply To All Select this option to apply the default call back to all of the client's delinquent or locked loans that are in the same worklist as the selected loan. 

Default Element

In the Default Element section, select the desired default Element from the drop-down list. This Element opens by default upon logging into Elements.

Quick Notes

In the Quick Notes section, specify up to four Quick Follow-up Notes. These notes are typically simple and do not require any additional information to be added (for example, "Left Message" or "No Answer"). For each note, select a Call Type from the drop-down list and change the default Call Type description, if desired. When the Quick Note is selected in the workspace, the note automatically appears in the Follow-up Notes without any user intervention.

Select the Allow Edit checkbox to be able to modify or add to the standard note text and to link the note to a specific contact and/or loan upon selection in the workspace. When the Quick Note is selected in the workspace, a window appears allowing the user to edit/link the note before posting to Follow-up Notes.


In the Email section, enter the user's email address.

This must be filled out in order to send emails from the Collection Element.


In the Signature section, enter the text (typically name and contact information) to be printed at the end of letters sent from the user.


In the Image section, if desired, select an electronic signature image to be included at the end of the user's letters. Click Browse to locate the signature image on the user's local machine. Click Open then Upload to load the file to the Elements server. Once Upload is clicked, the actual signature image is displayed below the file name.



In the Credentials section, enter the password that is used to access the SWBC elements currently active at the financial institution. Entering, and confirming, the password within User Preferences overrides the SWBC user credentials defined by a system administrator within System Management > Users and enables the ability for the user to control a single password for all SWBC elements. 

The password to enter within the Credentials section of the User Preferences window is provided by SWBC.

Once finished editing preferences, click Save at the bottom of the window. Click Cancel to disregard any changes. The new preferences take effect the next time the workspace is opened.



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